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Wednesday, 22 February 2012


What on earth is this saying "bore off" all about!? Over the last week or so i've heard it everywhere and I fucking hate it! It doesn't even make sense! I looked up the meaning and it says "a command given to someone who is being boring or annoying". What is wrong with the old classic of "fuck off!" it's simple and straight to the point and it's exactly what i would say if  someone was being annoying, at least they'd get the message. Or even "go away!". If someone told me to "bore off" my response would be "no".
I don't see why people have such a big problem with swearing, they're only words after all. Oh and I don't want anyone bitching and saying any shit about freedom of speech, I am well aware of the concept and yes, people are allowed to say what they want but I am just revealing a personal annoyance.

And whilst we're on the subject...."amaze balls" why!? Just why!? I don't understand why somebody thought it was easier or cooler to say amaze balls rather than amazing!? It's ridiculous and usually used by pretentious internet geeks or the type of nort who thinks its clever to wear false glasses.

If you use either of these phrases, then you are a turd.

Bye :)

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